Manually to test an email exists or not

let me test for google email


1 –  go to forget Password Page and enter e-mail

2- if you find message email address not valid then it is not exists on google


follow same for others


like msn,hotmail,etc.

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  1. How to check when a user enter her/his email address in our registration page …….? According to you this is not possible Mr. USPMCA ….(UmaShankarPandey Master of computer N application)

  2. Thanks for your valuable would be needed for some people who wants to test a mail if it is fake or not.

  3. I’m searching for how to test a mail in everywhere.but here is the place to find the solution.


  4. If any another way available for test a mail.i have a some mail i want to check them all.

  5. Myself tested a mail using your idea.its really nice article and it would be helpful for someone like me.

  6. There are many ways to find an Email is exist or not. I agree with you because this is one of the way to find it.

  7. That’s lovely. Most of the peoples need to know this kind of information for their personal use also.

  8. All type of peoples Having Emails for their own purpose. Its almost a needed one. So we the people should know everything about the emails. So this method is one which is much needed.

  9. Emails most commonly used by all the business man. through emails we can exchange everything from one end to another end.

  10. You know what..! I was quite easy when reading this and is very clinical way that you explained here. Really Useful.

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